Project 2: Job Interview Process

I think the most important part of our blog post is how it emphasizes starting early. I think I started moving in this direction too late and that may have limited my options and chances to find good jobs. However, I do have a great job that I am extremely excited for after graduation so even though I was late to prepare for job interviews and job prep in general, it still worked out really well for me. Even though it is important to start preparing early, I think that the most important advice I got about the job interview process was actually not to worry about jobs so much and especially getting one right after graduation. As an engineer, there is a huge pressure to have a job right away. However, it is important to remember that after graduation is the start of the rest of our lives. Therefore it doesn’t matter as much if you don’t have a job immediately after graduation.

I think that there is a problem with the new emphasis on jobs from colleges. While jobs are extremely important, I think that there is too much emphasis on jobs and less on learning. Students are pushed for grades and achievements to the point where learning is much less important than an A on the test. Notre Dame does a good job on helping students find jobs and gives them a lot of options to pursue that direction, but I think that the engineering and STEM groups put too much pressure on students to quickly find a job, rather than explore and look at jobs in a different manner. While I think it is good that we have so much support for helping to get jobs, I do think that there is a lot of pressure on students to get jobs that combined with other pressures in college can be detrimental to students. I think that students should be encouraged to pursue jobs, but not pushed towards it.

Project 2: Job Interview Process

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